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U.S. Violent Crime Rate Down

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crime trendsThe Federal Bureau of Investigation released its preliminary analysis of crime trends in the U.S. for 2008 and there's plenty of good news:

... the nation experienced a 2.5 percent decrease in the number of violent crimes and a 1.6 percent decline in the number of property crimes for 2008 compared with data from 2007. The report is based on information that the FBI gathered from 12,750 law enforcement agencies that submitted six to 12 comparable months of data to the FBI for both 2007 and 2008.

... In 2008, all four of the violent crime offense categories declined nationwide compared with data from 2007. Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter declined 4.4 percent, aggravated assault was down 3.2 percent, forcible rape decreased 2.2 percent, and robbery decreased 1.1 percent.

See FBI press release detailing crime trends here


U.S. Violent Crime Rate Down

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

U.S. Violent Crime Rate Down

[Source: Stock News]

U.S. Violent Crime Rate Down

[Source: News 2]

U.S. Violent Crime Rate Down

[Source: News 2]

U.S. Violent Crime Rate Down

posted by tgazw @ 10:24 AM, ,


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So John Cole has pretty much addressed this, but last week Jonathan Chait criticized me and others for referring to Jeffrey Rosen's piece on Sonia Sotomayor as "gossip".

"Gossip" is an effective label for those who wish to denigrate Rosen's reporting or the reputation of TNR, but it's an inaccurate one. Gossip is unverified information. Gossip is something you hear all the time--say, Senator X mistreats his staff. No serious publication can pass off gossip as reporting. However, if you actually speak with the principals firsthand--you interview staffers for Senator X who report that he mistreats them--then what you have is reporting. That's what Jeff did. He spoke first-hand with several of Sotomayor's former clerks, who provided a mixed picture. Unsurprisingly, they declined to put their names on the record, but that's utterly standard for people who are speaking in unflattering terms about people they worked with or for.

Chait is one of my favorite writers on the interwebs, but this is less than persuasive. A big publication printing gossip doesn't change the definition of gossip. The issue isn't that the information was "unverified" as in, no one told Rosen these things, it's that it was objectively unverifiable, as in, assertions about Sotomayor's intelligence are unprovable. Rosen, as a well-respected legal expert, could have made that argument himself in some form, but he didn't, possibly because he wanted to present it as an "unbiased" observation. But since the source is anonymous, there's no way to judge the individual's motivations or perspective. There's reason to give people anonymity under certain circumstances to relay unpleasant information about a colleague or a superior, but not when that information can't be verified. Anonymous, unverifiable information is gossip.

Most oddly, Chait suggests I, along with others have some sort of agenda against the New Republic. I can only speak for myself, but in my many posts on Sotomayor and Rosen, I didn't say anything about the New Republic except that to identify the publication Rosen had been writing in.?

-- A. Serwer


[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]


[Source: Mma News]


[Source: La News]


[Source: Cbs News]


[Source: Boston News]


[Source: Market News]


posted by tgazw @ 9:53 AM, ,

Mr Universe to governator

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A look back at Arnold Schwarzenegger's career in pictures

Mr Universe to governator

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Mr Universe to governator

[Source: Accident News]

Mr Universe to governator

[Source: Sunday News]

Mr Universe to governator

[Source: Television News]

Mr Universe to governator

[Source: Rome News]

Mr Universe to governator

[Source: 11 Alive News]

Mr Universe to governator

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Mr Universe to governator

posted by tgazw @ 8:27 AM, ,

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

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Don't go into the center, stay away from the center, Michael Barone warns:

I think Republicans today should be less interested in moving toward the center and more interested in running against the center. Here I mean a different "center" -- not a midpoint on an opinion spectrum, but rather the centralized government institutions being created and strengthened every day. This is a center that is taking over functions fulfilled in a decentralized way by private individuals, firms and markets.

Maybe a pun should not be unpacked, but I wonder whether the government-institution center might in time become the opinion center. I've never had a gig writing a textbook, so as far as I know, nobody is writing up the Bush-Obama Bailout for the permanent records as a hugely controversial and unpopular movement. I'd doubt the White House histories of either president or the personal finance works of the future will record it that way either. And I consider all those issues, of race, gender, life, war, private affairs, etc., in which once controversial interventions by activist judges, presumptuous legislatures, callow presidents and others eventually assumed the mantle of Conventional Wisdom.

Now it may be the case that Conventional Wisdom ain't worth what it once was, and I think in general I'd agree. But I've counted up the Republicans and the Democrats with both hands, and it still looks like they're only giving two choices.

So how can they avoid the center? It's like advising the Moon to get away from the Earth.

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: Accident News]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: Cnn News]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: La News]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: Cbs News]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

[Source: Wesh 2 News]

Barone Seeks the Omphalos

posted by tgazw @ 7:54 AM, ,


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